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Have you ever tried to get the most out of your dough?

If you haven’t, well, welcome to my “dough-main”!
Lemme show you how I max out on getting the most out of my nice daily bread kick!

As a rule, I always bake my breads in composite flours.  Included  in this trail mix of composite flours is whole wheat flour. Whole wheat flour contains bran – a high in fibre component of the wheat grain, so here I have 50% whole wheat flour, mixed with 50% AP flour ( AP means All Purpose).

For a more ancient grain infusion, I use a trinity of mix – AP + WW + MF = (Power Composite Mix)

Note: WW = Whole Wheat; MF = Millet Flour

I am pro-gluten. I dont suffer allergies from eating anything, so this isn’t for you if you are gluten-intolerant. I will try and develop a gluten-free alternative in the nearest future .

Enjoy the metaporphu of the flours to a transformative power breakfast of cinnamon rolls + bread bun (burger, dinner, you name it!)

Here’s the recipe:



Chef Juls Multigrain Power Breakfast Bread Mix  Net Wt 500g. This special mix already contains- premix components:  (sugar, salt and yeast)

If you want zero sugar in your bread mix, please indicate. Millet Flour has it’s own natural a sweet-savory flavour which makes this bread mix so unique in flavour!


Unsalted butter  57g (1/4 cup)

Egg 1 large egg, if you are dairy-intolerance, simply skip it from the recipe. It’s used here for further enrichment in flavour  (flavour overload if you ask me! Lol)

Warm Milk, If you are lactose intolerant, kindly use any available plant-based milk you can find around. A good alternative is milk from golden melon


  1. Pour Your Flour into the mixer and mix at medium speed to combine them nicely. You can use your hands if you dont have a mixer
  2.  Pour in your warm milk, egg and butter mixture and mix well for about 5 minutes.
  3. make sure all the dough comes together, if not just add a little bit of water till it all comes together
  4. Transfer to your clean work surface and knead for about 5 to 7 mins. A thin stretchy film you’ll get if you pull the dough apart. Also, it springs back up readily when you touch it.
  5. Total dough yield should be about 754g
  6. cut out 120g each for the four bread buns and roll out into small balls and place in your pyrex dish. Use the rest of the dough to make the cinnamon

To Make Cinnamon Rolls

  1. Roll out reaming dough into a square shape.
  2. In another bowl, combine the following into a smooth mixture :
  3. 1/3 cup of honey of sugar + 1 table spoon of cinnamon + 57g of butter (1/4 cup)
  4. using a pastry brush, spread it out nicely and evenly over the rolled out dough
  5. Pinch the sides and roll the edges into a roll  like you would roll a mat! lol
  6. using a knife, cut into four pieces and place into your pyrex dish along side the bread buns

Cover with cling film and leave to rise for about an hour or a little longer until it doubles in size

Pop your dish into a preheated oven of about 180C and bake for about 15-20mins

The cinnamons went down before it had any chance of cooling… LOL but I do have a video where I first drizzled it with some cream cheese sauce… Had breakfast with the bread bun which could pass for burger bun or dinner roll depending on your preference. I had mine with sharwama beef soaked in its own delicious juices couples with a a sliver of mozzarella cheese which just melted into a mouth-watering delicious goodness over the shredded beef delight!

Enjoy and gimme a feedback if you like this post.

Deliciously yours,

Chef Juls

Watch the short video I created while making it. Enjoy!:

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Other amazing products to explore are the Chef Juls Range of Boxmixes     

  If you cant bake to save your life, no worries, just order our Whole Wheat Bread

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